
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to get caught up in the never-ending to-do lists, deadlines, and the constant pursuit of our goals. However, taking a moment to pause and reflect on the things we're thankful for can be a powerful exercise in cultivating gratitude. Gratitude, the simple act of acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives, has the potential to bring about profound changes in our overall well-being.                   The Power of Gratitude - Gratitude is not just a fleeting emotion; it's a mindset that can be developed and nurtured over time. Research has shown that practicing gratitude can lead to a multitude of benefits, both physical and psychological. From improved mental health to enhanced relationships and even better sleep, the effects of gratitude are far-reaching.Health and Well-being- One of the most compelling reasons to embrace gratitude is its positive impact on our health. When we take the time to recognize and express thanks for the good things in our lives, our stress levels tend to decrease. Lower stress, in turn, has been linked to a stronger immune system, better cardiovascular health, and improved overall well-being.Relationships and Connection- Gratitude also plays a pivotal role in strengthening our relationships. Expressing thanks to the people around us fosters a sense of connection and builds a positive atmosphere. Whether it's a heartfelt "thank you" to a friend who offered a listening ear or a note of appreciation to a family member, these small gestures can deepen our connections with others.Personal Growth and Resilience- Acknowledging what we're thankful for can be a powerful tool for personal growth and resilience. In challenging times, focusing on the positive aspects of our lives can help shift our perspective. It's not about denying the difficulties we face but rather about finding strength and resilience in the face of adversity.What Am I Thankful For?As I take a moment to reflect on what I'm thankful for, a myriad of thoughts and emotions flood my mind. At the top of my list is the unwavering support of my family. Their love and encouragement have been the bedrock of my journey, providing me with the strength to navigate life's ups and downs.I'm thankful for the friendships that have stood the test of time and distance. These relationships have been a source of joy, laughter, and shared experiences. In a world that often feels chaotic, having a network of supportive friends is a treasure beyond measure. Career milestones and achievements also find a place on my gratitude list. The opportunities to learn, grow, and contribute in my professional life have not only shaped my identity but have also allowed me to make a positive impact on others. The challenges I've faced in my career have been instrumental in my personal development, teaching me resilience and perseverance.Nature's wonders are another source of gratitude in my life. The breathtaking beauty of a sunrise, the calming presence of a forest, or the rhythmic sound of ocean waves – these natural wonders remind me of the magnificence of the world we live in. They offer moments of solace and reflection in a fast-paced world. Health, often taken for granted, is a gift that I am profoundly thankful for. The ability to wake up each day, to move, to breathe, and to experience life in all its richness is a blessing that deserves acknowledgment. It's a reminder to cherish and take care of the vessel that carries us through our life's journey.Cultivating Gratitude in Daily LifeWhile reflecting on what I'm thankful for is a valuable exercise, incorporating gratitude into my daily life is equally important. Here are a few practices that have helped me cultivate gratitude:1. Keeping a daily or weekly gratitude journal allows me to jot down the things I'm thankful for. It serves as a tangible reminder of the positive aspects of my life.2.  Taking the time to express my gratitude to others has become a regular part of my routine. Whether through a simple "thank you" text or a heartfelt note, expressing appreciation strengthens my relationships.3.  Incorporating mindfulness into my daily life has been transformative. Taking a few moments each day to pause, breathe, and reflect on the present helps me appreciate the small joys that often go unnoticed.4.  Engaging in acts of kindness, whether big or small, not only benefits others but also brings a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. It's a reminder of the positive impact we can have on the world around us.In a world that often emphasizes the pursuit of more, taking a step back to recognize and appreciate what we already have can be a game-changer. Gratitude is not just a one-time reflection but a continuous journey of acknowledging the richness of our lives.As I delve into the depths of what I'm thankful for, I am reminded that gratitude is a dynamic force. It has the power to transform our perspective, enhance our well-being, and foster connections with the world and those around us. So, what am I thankful for? The answer is a tapestry woven with the threads of love, connection, opportunity, and the beauty that surround us everyday.                                                                                              Contributed by Avinash Naik, who is currently pursuing Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Krea University. His interests include writing poetry and theatre.Carpediem would like to acknowledge the use of photo by Johnhain on Pixabay


When we talk about mental health an area that generally does not get enough coverage and importance is mental health in Men. They are often expected to be strong, unwavering pillars of support for others, which might deter them from getting the mental health care they need. If males confess to having depression or other mental health problems, they could worry about being stigmatized or viewed as less manly. Through time and history we have seen many great men who despite suffering from mental health issues have also achieved success in their respective fields . some while they were alive and some after their time. Van Gogh is a classic example of a great creative mind and artist whose work sells for millions now. His art came out of great mental turbulence and poor mental health. There have been many creative and brilliant minds among men who have, despite their mental health issues, been pioneers of great work. John Nash is also another great example who made contributions in Mathematics and was also awarded the Nobel Memorial prize, John von Neumann theory prize etc. His struggles with schizophrenia and his recovery was made into an Oscar winning movie named Beautiful Minds.Now let us take a deeper look into living with schizophrenia and it’s gender based stigma to have a better understanding:Understanding the various elements that impact stigma in schizophrenia is crucial for effective treatment of the condition. Men with schizophrenia said they were single, that they concealed their condition from others and on job applications, and that they felt ashamed and ridiculed. They stated that the worst venues for them to suffer stigma were their places of employment. Women talked about how stigma affected their marriages, pregnancies, and deliveries. Both sexes disclosed certain cultural misconceptions regarding their illnesses and the detrimental effects they had on their lives.Men are more likely than women to develop schizophrenia, and they also tend to do so at a younger age—men typically get schizophrenia five years younger than women. Recent evidence suggests that genetic and biochemical factors associated with psychoses may also provide an increased propensity to think creatively.For as long as people have been writing things down, psychoses and creativity have been associated. Using mostly biographical and historical documents together with interviews, has shown more recently that there is a connection between mood problems and artistic creativity. These studies have a few drawbacks while providing strong data and an intriguing look into the family history of creative people. Firstly, while historical studies offer valuable motivation to explore the relationship between psychoses and creativity, they only focus on prominent figures from history, leaving out those who managed to elude the scrutiny of mainstream written records.  Though there has long been a theory linking creativity with psychopathology, empirical research on this relationship did not start until the last century. Another example is Franz Kafka who wrote in a completely original style exploring existential ideas about life. The Trial and Metamorphosis are two of his better known stories. Kafka was a loner, a genius, who suffered from social anxiety and depression. In the honour of Franz Kafka, the Franz Kafka price was presented as an international literary award. To conclude he proves to be another classic example of how men who faced mental illness have worked through their challenges and societal stigma to still go ahead and carve a niche for themselves in their respective fields.  This gives us some perspective on how men have dealt with the issue of mental illness through history and time.Contributed by Pavitra V.S, Grade 11 - EuroSchool HSRShe actively engages in animal rescuing and her interests include reading, crochet and kickboxing.Carpediem would like to acknowledge the use of photo by msandersmusic on Pixabay


Mental well being continues to be a taboo subject for many men and also regarding the mental well being of men particularly. Although mental health issues affect both genders, men’s mental health has generally received less attention and support. Men who express feelings of despair are labeled weak and unmanly by society causing their mental problems to be overlooked and go undiagnosed. The stigma associated with mental illness in men persists despite efforts to increase awareness of mental health issues in general. For a more insightful look into why the mental well-being regarding men is overlooked, we encroach upon this vital reason : Gender norms and the stigma attached Gender norms profoundly shape how we perceive mental health. These norms are what claim to determine expected and “normal” behavior for each gender that eventually influences mental well-being and mental health concerns. They tend to intensify the stigma attached to mental health regarding men. For example, a boy displaying vulnerability or crying will be encouraged to behave stronger and avoid showing such emotions. Women being relegated to a secondary role influences their outlook on mental well-being as well, generally terming them as irrational and sensitive as well as making them more prone to being prescribed medication. Our society tends to perpetuate gender conformity that leads to individuals having heightened levels of stress regarding their gender rigidness. Acknowledging the gender bias and gender norms that are prevalent in our society, will help ease their harmful effects on individuals and create a more supportive environment for all genders. Expectations of men that result in mental health problems                      Men have been told to be less emotional, act stronger and never show any weakness while simultaneously being expected to be the breadwinner of their family. Over working generally leads to heightened stress levels which can lead to other mental health conditions. Due to the society expectations that have been pushed on them men are less likely to seek out help for their mental health struggles. Instead, they choose to rely on unhealthy support systems like substance abuse and alcohol. This makes it crucial to encourage men to ditch the traditional gender roles so that they don’t develop an addiction to self medication and alcohol. Self stigma      Men are generally conditioned to think they are less worthy or strong if they show signs of mental illness. They tend to devalue themselves which as a result is very harmful to their mental well-being. Due to this many men facing the stigma tied to their mental health result in simply ignoring or rejecting their mental health condition and hope it will go away without mention. Ways to support men’s mental well-being are : 1. Encourage men to talk openly about mental health- Social media has become a great medium to express oneself as well as a great space for positivity and inclusivity. It is a great source for stigma-busting support. 2.  Finding a healthy support system- A community of people or an individual who allows you to express yourself comfortably is crucial.   3. Spread awareness- Choosing empowerment over shame is a vital step toward achieving our goal of minimizing and ending the stigma attached to men’s mental health. To conclude there is an undeniable correlation between mental health and gender roles revealing that men are less susceptible to mental health disorders yet when they are mentally ill, they are less likely to recover. Most of the reasoning can be linked to hegemonic masculinity, stereotypes, and stigma. In order to support men who are experiencing greater feelings of loneliness and despair and to remove the obstacles that prevent men from getting the treatment they need when they do, it is essential to improve the mental health of males through providing a supportive environment.Contributed by Pavitra V.S, Grade 11 - EuroSchool HSRShe actively engages in animal rescuing and her interests include reading, crochet and kickboxing.Carpediem would like to acknowledge the use of photo by Johnhain on Pixabay


As parents, we want our children to develop the skills necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world. One vital skill that can pave the way for their success is cognitive flexibility. Cognitive flexibility is like a superpower that allows children to adapt, problem-solve, and think creatively.Cognitive flexibility refers to the ability to shift perspectives, adapt thinking, and generate alternative solutions when faced with new challenges or changing situations. It involves being open to different ideas, considering various viewpoints, and embracing novel approaches to problem-solving. This skill empowers children to navigate uncertainties and find innovative solutions. It encourages them to think outside the box and derive creative solutions. Cognitive flexibility contributes to emotional intelligence by enabling children to understand and regulate their emotions. It allows them to consider different perspectives in social interactions, empathise with others, and navigate conflicts more effectively.Here are some suggestions to foster cognitive flexibility in our children-1. Expose to Diverse Experiences: Expose children to diverse cultures, viewpoints, and experiences. Encourage them to engage in activities that broaden their horizons, such as reading books from different genres, attending cultural events, or trying new hobbies.2. Embrace Mistakes and Challenges: Teach children that making mistakes is a part of learning and growth. Encourage them to approach challenges as opportunities to develop resilience and find alternative solutions.Encourage Flexibility in Routine: Introduce variations in routines and schedules to help children adapt to changing circumstances. This can involve trying new activities, exploring different routes, or rearranging their daily routines.3. Encourage Exploration: Create an environment that encourages curiosity, exploration, and open-ended play. Provide a diverse range of toys, books, and activities that stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving.Cognitive flexibility is an adapted skill. So the more efforts we put in upfront, the better equipped our children will be to successfully deal with the rapidly changing world!Contributed byDeepti ThakarMental Health Practitioner, Carpediem EdPsych Consultancy LLPCarpediem would like to acknowledge the use of photo by Johnhain on Pixabay


Do you remember the first few weeks of the pandemic? Do you remember how chaotic things suddenly became? How differently each family or even each individual in one family reacted to the forced restrictions?  Some went into denial, some were frustrated, some were paranoid and a few were able to adjust to the changes that were thrusted upon them. Why did we see such a huge spectrum of behaviour patterns? Why did individuals in the same family have completely different reactions to the exact same situation? This is a classic example of cognitive flexibility! Cognitive flexibility plays a vital role in various areas of life, including education, work, relationships, and adjusting to new environments. It is especially relevant in situations that require adapting to changes, dealing with uncertainty, and finding innovative solutions to complex problems. We use this mental ability in our day-to-day life quite regularly. Look at the situations given below When we travel to a new place, we adjust to the surroundings. We try to look at the map to understand how to navigate this new place.When we go from home to work, our tasks, responsibilities, expectations , everything changes and we adapt to the change.At work when we are interacting with colleagues and trying to find a solution, we listen to various perspectives. We analyse the possibilities and come to the best possible solution.When a student is in the school, there is a constant change happening all through the day in terms of subjects, skills and activities.In every single situation mentioned above we are using cognitive flexibility to adapt to the new environment, switch between the tasks, brainstorm, learn something new and create out-of-the box solutions.Since this ability gets used so frequently by pretty much everyone, imagine what will happen to a person who does not have cognitive flexibility? That person may struggle to adjust to new situations, environments, or changes in their personal and professional life. This leads to resistance which leads to increased stress levels.He/she may not be able to take in another person’s point of view leading to conflicts, friction and unhappiness in their lives.In many cases, cognitive inflexibility leads to emotional rigidity where the individuals face difficulties in managing stress, coping with setbacks, or effectively navigating emotional challenges.There are numerous factors that can influence cognitive flexibility, including genetics, environment, and individual experiences.While it is important to consider that cognitive abilities can vary among individuals, it is equally important to understand that cognitive flexibility can be developed and strengthened through practice and intentional efforts. Here are some simple strategies that can help -Embrace novelty - Consciously Engage in new experiences, activities, and challenges that expose you to different perspectives, ideas, and ways of thinkingSwitch Up Routines: Intentionally introduce variety and change into your daily routines. This can include trying different routes to work, changing your exercise routine, or rearranging your workspace. Small changes can help break mental habits and foster cognitive flexibility.Learn from Mistakes: Embrace a growth mindset and view mistakes as learning opportunities. Analyze your mistakes and setbacks, consider alternative approaches or solutions, and adapt your strategies accordingly. This cultivates a flexible and adaptive mindset.Engage in Brain-Stimulating Activities: Engage in activities that challenge your cognitive processes and require flexible thinking, such as puzzles, brain games, crosswords, or learning a new language. These activities promote cognitive flexibility by exercising your mental abilities and encouraging novel thinking.Remember, building cognitive flexibility takes time and consistent effort. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small successes along the way. With practice and the right strategies, you can enhance your cognitive flexibility and develop a more adaptable and open-minded mindset.Contributed byDeepti ThakarMental Health Practitioner, Carpediem EdPsych Consultancy LLPCarpediem would like to acknowledge the use of photo by Neotam on Pixabay 


In the dynamic world of the 21st century, students face a dozen of unique stressors that very evidently shape their educational journey. The constant hunt for academic excellence and competitive job market often generate anxiety over their experiences. The pressure to secure a prosperous future career can mask the joy of learning and their personal growth. Moreover, the digital era has introduced a new dimension of stress. The omnipresence of social media and its culture of comparison has created ample of self-doubt and inadequacy. The uncertainty of career paths in an ever-evolving job market also adds to the emotional burden. Selecting the 'right' path becomes a challenging task, often burdened with fear of failure. To address these concerns, fostering open conversations about mental health, promoting digital literacy, and emphasizing personal growth over external validation are critical. Reflecting on these stressors it only highlights to me the importance of resilience and adaptability in today's complex world, empowering students to navigate their paths with confidence.In conclusion, I would say it definitely requires a call for action from all of us. As educators, parents, psychologists and community members, it is our responsibility to create nurturing environments that acknowledge the different challenges students encounter. Not only fostering open communication but also teaching coping mechanisms, and promoting a balanced approach to both academics and technology will help them sail through the tough times. There is immense potential within each student to overcome adversity and emerge stronger from it, only if the right environment is provided. Contributed byTanvi Auradkar, Founding Partner and Chief Diversity OfficerCarpediem EdPsych Consultancy LLPCarpediem would like to acknowledge the use of the photo by Pinterastudio on Pixabay


Stress is a word that often carries a negative connotation, invoking feelings of discomfort and unease. We often hear about the effects of stress on our physical and mental well-being, and it's true that excessive or chronic stress can indeed take a toll on our health. However, it's essential to recognize that stress is an inherent part of life, and we will all encounter it in one way or the other. Therefore the only choice that we have is to learn to live with it and make growth, resilience, and a deeper understanding of ourselves the defense mechanisms to sail through.Stress is our body's natural response to demands or challenges, whether they are physical, emotional, or psychological. It's the surge of energy that prepares us to face a threat or accomplish a task. This "fight or flight" response is ingrained into our biology and has been crucial for human survival throughout history.Modern life, though very different from our ancestral environment, still presents us with a myriad of stressors. From work deadlines and financial pressures to relationship struggles and health concerns, the sources of stress are varied and often complex for every individual. In a world that seems to move at an all-time increasing pace, it's crucial to develop strategies for living with stress in a way that doesn't compromise our well-being.I remember the times when I was in college and there was a wave that ‘stress’ is a status symbol. To have it, meant that you are productive in life. However, with years the connotation changed and I see everyone around talking about stress and its negative impact. While it might be challenging to believe, stress isn't entirely negative. In fact, according to the research, moderate levels of stress can be beneficial and even necessary for personal growth and development. As a practicing psychologist, I see clients with stress who ask me “ Madam, do you ever experience stress? I am sure you never’’. I tell them even though I am a therapist, I am a human above all and stress is inevitable to all of us, therefore, I only have learnt to encounter it in a mindful manner.  Here are a few ways stress can actually be advantageous and how we can cope with it:Motivation and Productivity: Stress can provide the necessary push to meet deadlines, accomplish goals, and stay focused on tasks. The adrenaline rush that accompanies stress can enhance alertness and performance.Resilience: Just as muscles grow stronger with resistance training, individuals can become emotionally and mentally more resilient through facing and overcoming stressors.Learning to Adapt: Stressful situations often force us to think creatively, problem-solve, and adapt to new perspectives. These experiences contribute to our cognitive flexibility and ability to handle future challenges.Self-Discovery: Under stress, we often discover a new side of ourselves and our capabilities. Overcoming challenges can reveal strengths and abilities we may not have realized we possessed. Managing Stress: While embracing stress as a natural part of life is important, it's equally essential to manage and navigate it effectively. Here are some strategies to help you live in harmony with stress:Mindfulness: Mindfulness practice can help you stay in the present, manage racing thoughts, and reduce the feeling of being anxious.Healthy Lifestyle Choices: We often don't realize the value of regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep while running around the clock. However, consistency matters, and these play a crucial role in minimizing the negative effects of stress on your body and mind.Social Support: Connecting with friends, family, or support groups can provide a sense of belonging and emotional support during stressful times.Utilizing the time wisely: Learn to prioritize tasks, delegate where necessary and manage your time effectively to prevent the accumulation of stress caused by procrastination or last-minute rushes.Off routine work breaks: Too often when you are busy round the clock, it is bound to interfere with your well-being gradually. You may see the effects on your physical health even though you choose to ignore the signs like tiredness, loss of motivation, clouded thoughts, etc. Take up a hobby, and engage yourself in off-routine tasks every now and then to maintain the balance of life. Setting Realistic Expectations: Striving for excellence is admirable, but setting unattainable standards can lead to unnecessary stress. Set achievable goals and recognize your accomplishments along the way.Seeking Professional Help when you feel necessary: If stress becomes overwhelming or starts to interfere with your daily life, don't hesitate to seek guidance from a mental health professional.Only embracing balance is ultimately the key to living with stress. It's about acknowledging the presence of stress without allowing it to dominate your life. When stress is viewed as a natural and even beneficial part of the living experience, its impact can be transformed from impairing to empowering. By cultivating resilience, practicing self-care, and developing effective coping strategies, you can navigate life's challenges with a sense of strength and purpose. Remember, it's not about eliminating stress, but rather learning to coexist with it while embracing the journey of life. Contributed byTanvi Auradkar, Founding Partner and Chief Diversity OfficerCarpediem EdPsych Consultancy LLPCarpediem would like to acknowledge the use of the photo by Tumisu on Pixabay


"In all things, moderation, and in moderation, perfection." - Terry Tempest WilliamsIn today's fast-paced world, it's crucial to recognize the delicate balance between use, abuse and overuse. Whether it's substance abuse, overworking, or excessive reliance on technology, overuse can profoundly affect our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By understanding when something has become too much, we can take steps to reclaim balance, nurture ourselves, and lead more fulfilling lives.Recognizing the Signs of Overuse:Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.                                                                                                  -William S. BurroughsOveruse often manifests in physical and emotional exhaustion. Persistent tiredness, irritability, and a lack of enthusiasm indicate that we have pushed ourselves beyond our limits. Recognizing the signs of exhaustion allows us to prioritize self-care and recharge when needed, preventing burnout and promoting overall well-being.In our competitive world, excessive usage frequently presents itself as the goal of achievement. The glorification of long working hours and unrelenting commitment to one's job can lead to overwork and burnout in those susceptible. Although having a strong work ethic is admirable, having an unhealthy obsession with achieving achievement may be detrimental to both one's physical and mental health. The symptoms of burnout include persistent weariness, a drop in productivity, and an overall feeling of emotional depletion. It has an effect not just on the persons involved but also on their interpersonal connections, their performance at work, and their general quality of life. Establishing boundaries, making self-care a top priority, and cultivating a good work-life balance is critical for preventing burnout and sustaining a level of achievement that is sustainable.Balance is not something you find; it's something you create. - Jana KingsfordDiminished productivity and a decline in the quality of our work can be clear signs of overuse. When we stretch ourselves too thin or neglect self-care, our efficiency and effectiveness suffer. Overuse can also take a toll on our relationships and social connections. Neglecting loved ones, prioritizing personal desires over their needs, and feeling isolated are indicators that we have become too consumed. Finding a balance between personal pursuits and maintaining strong relationships is vital for our happiness and sense of belonging.Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live - Jim RohnNeglecting self-care and well-being is another consequence of overuse. Sacrificing meals, exercise, and sleep to accommodate our overindulgences can severely affect our physical and mental health. Prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and practicing mindfulness is essential to nurturing ourselves and maintaining a healthy balance.Reflection 1: While I know all of this and talk about it to every one of my coachies, I must work towards getting this done for myself as well. Practice what you preach, as cliche as it may sound. "Disconnect to reconnect. Take a break from the digital world and discover the beauty of the present moment." - UnknownThe digital age has revolutionized the way we live, work, and connect with others. However, excessive reliance on technology can lead to its own set of problems. Overusing digital devices, social media, and online platforms can contribute to various negative effects, including decreased productivity, sleep disturbances, mental health issues, and diminished social interaction. The constant need for validation through likes, comments, and followers can foster a sense of insecurity and self-doubt. It is crucial to set boundaries, practice digital detoxes, and engage in activities that promote real-world connections to prevent technology from taking over our lives.Statistics reveal a staggering increase in digital engagement among Indian teenagers. According to a 2020 survey by the Centre for Media Studies (CMS), 24% of Indian teenagers spend more than six hours per day using digital devices, with the majority using social media sites and playing online games. Additionally, a study by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) indicates that 60% of teenagers in India use smartphones for at least five hours a day, while 37% experience digital addiction symptoms.Teens with internet addiction have mental health difficulties. Cyberbullying, online harassment, and unrealistic social media standards can cause anxiety, sadness, and low self-esteem. IPS research found that 65% of teens who abuse digital gadgets have anxiety, and 35% have depression. Comparison to meticulously managed online identities may sometimes cause inadequacy and alienation. Teens' physical activity decreases as they spend more time online. Only 33% of Indian teens get enough exercise, according to an ICMR survey. Obesity, cardiovascular disease, and other lifestyle-related health issues can result from inactivity and sedentary behaviour.Screen usage might also hurt schoolwork. Online distractions, multitasking, and alerts can impair learning. According to NIEPA, excessive screen usage significantly impacts cognitive development, resulting in lower attention spans and knowledge retention in kids.Reflection 2: It hurts to be told by your teenage son ..” Mom, you don’t understand me; these days, everyone is using technology, you are the only one creating such a hullabaloo out of it.” But ironically, it pays to be a tough nut !! Keep going, Vasundhara is what I tell myself every day. The greatest fear every parent should have is that your child is part of the statistics mentioned above. Parenting is not about winning popularity matches. "Finding balance is not about dividing your time equally among all the things you love. It's about giving each thing the time it deserves at the right moment." - UnknownStriking a balance between use and overuse requires self-awareness and a commitment to evaluating our behaviours and their impact on our lives. Recognizing signs of overuse, such as exhaustion, strained relationships, diminished productivity, and neglecting self-care, is key to reclaiming balance and well-being. By actively setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and reassessing priorities, we can prevent burnout, nurture ourselves, and lead more fulfilling lives. Remember, balance is a continuous journey of self-discovery, self-care, and making choices that align with our overall happiness and well-being. Also, what is balanced for one need not be the same for all - so think for yourself. Contributed byVasundhara KaulFounding partner & Chief innovation officerCarpediem Edpsych Consultancy LLPCarpediem would like to acknowledge the use of photo by Schäferle on Pixabay


Y, a 16-year-old student, found himself constantly scrolling through social media platforms during his free time. What started as harmless browsing soon turned into an obsession. Y would refresh his feeds, compare himself to others, and seek validation through likes and comments. His online activities began to interfere with his study, relationships, and overall well-being. Despite receiving warnings from his friends and family about his excessive social media use, Y dismissed their concerns, claiming it was just a way to relax and stay connected. However, as time went on, he became increasingly isolated, neglecting in-person social interactions and losing touch with his hobbies and passions. In our fast-paced and technology-driven world, it's easy to become consumed by the demands and temptations of everyday life. From the relentless pressure to excel professionally to the addictive allure of social media, overuse and abuse have silently seeped into our lives, affecting our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  Overuse & AbuseOveruse can be characterized as excessive and compulsive behaviour that gradually erodes our quality of life. It encompasses various aspects, such as overworking, overconsumption, and over-reliance on technology. While these behaviours may seem harmless at first, the consequences can be far-reaching. Long hours, excessive stress, and a lack of work-life balance can lead to burnout, physical exhaustion, strained relationships, and deteriorating health. Constantly chasing material possessions and the illusion of happiness through shopping can lead to financial strain, environmental degradation, and a sense of emptiness. Spending excessive time on social media, video games, or mindless browsing can lead to decreased productivity, social isolation, and even addiction. Abuse takes overuse to a more extreme level, manifesting in harmful behaviours that pose a significant threat to our well-being and relationships. It involves the misuse of substances, power, or individuals, often resulting in long-term damage.Substance abuse affects not only the individuals directly involved but also their families, communities, and society as a whole. Power abuse involves exploiting one's authority to manipulate, control, or harm others. This abuse can result in emotional trauma, psychological distress, and a loss of trust in systems meant to protect us. Domestic abuse encompasses physical, emotional, and sexual violence within intimate relationships. Domestic abuse causes profound psychological and physical harm, leaving survivors in a cycle of fear and isolation.Overuse & abuse in school children As our society becomes increasingly connected and technologically driven, school children are facing new challenges when it comes to overuse and abuse. The widespread availability of smartphones, tablets, and computers has given rise to a generation of digitally connected school children. While technology can be a powerful educational tool, overuse can lead to negative consequences. The digital landscape exposes children to cyberbullying, which can have severe emotional and psychological effects. The competitive nature of the education system can contribute to high levels of stress and overexertion among school children. Unrealistic expectations from parents, teachers, and peers can create a toxic environment that undermines a child's self-esteem and well-being. Bullying remains a pervasive issue in schools, impacting the mental and emotional well-being of victims. Some school environments foster emotional and physical abuse, which can leave long-lasting scars on children.Recognizing and addressing overuse and abuse is the first step towards regaining control of our lives. Cultivate self-awareness to identify harmful behaviours and their underlying triggers. Acknowledge the impact they have on your well-being and take responsibility for making positive changes. Establish clear boundaries in various aspects of your life, including work, relationships, and technology usage. Learn to prioritize self-care, allocate time for relaxation, and say "no" when necessary. Reach out to professionals for support and guidance. Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling. Replace destructive behaviours with positive and fulfilling activities. To combat overuse and abuse in school children, we must foster a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages healthy habits and well-being. Educate children about responsible technology use, the importance of screen breaks, and provide guidelines for healthy digital habits. Prioritize mental health education and provide access to counselling services within schools. Promote positive discipline techniques that focus on understanding and empathy rather than punishment. Implement comprehensive prevention programs that address various forms of abuse, including bullying, emotional abuse, and physical abuse. Provide resources for reporting and ensure a swift and thorough response to incidents.Contributed byDebarati BasakFounding partner & Chief growth officerCarpediem EdPsych Consultancy LLPCarpediem would like to acknowledge the use of photo by Anemone123 on Pixabay 


This episode from Family Guy perfectly summarizes parenting on most days. Being constantly present for your child physically and emotionally makes parenting one of the most stressful jobs in the world. From toddler tantrums to talking back, maintaining your calm as parents in these moments seems like an impossible feat. What is mindfulness in parenting?The concept of mindfulness in parenting ensures that the physical and emotional toil of parenting does not get in the way of bringing up a well-rounded child. Mindfulness is a choice that one makes to consciously remind oneself to remain in the present moment irrespective of what is happening around. Mindfulness guides parents to be fully present in the moment rather than having to react based on past or present occurrences. Mindful parenting reinforces being completely present with yourself and your child. This allows the parent to be more calm, composed, aware, and non-reactive. And for the child, it implies a parent who is a secure emotional anchor. Quite often as a parent we are quick to respond to our child’s reactions. Turning a no into a yes and yelling at them when a situation is out of our control, we forget to play a role in modelling emotional regulation in our children. Instead, when we focus on the present moment we focus on our emotions, and our thoughts, and reflect on our child’s hurt feelings rather than on unrealistic expectations from our child. How to practice mindfulness in parenting?Before we dwell on strategies to practice mindfulness, it is important to understand 4 important concepts in mindfulness:i) Self-awareness - Mindfulness is a concept easier to talk about than to put into practice. In order to tune into your child’s emotions and emotional responses you need to be aware and attuned to what buttons push you and what you feel in response to your child’s behaviour. ii) Self-regulation - It is not just important to be aware of what feelings one is experiencing but also to be able to remain with those feelings and avoid reacting instantly. iii) Empathy - It is not always easy to non-judgmentally look at things from your child’s perspective, be it a toddler or an adolescent. However, being able to understand what your child is experiencing and expressing will also allow them to validate their emotions. iv) Active listening - “To be understood as to understand” This phrase emphasizes the true need to understand and listen to what your child is trying to communicate to you, both verbally and non-verbally. Now that we have understood the concepts of mindfulness let us look at some practices to mindfully parent. Pause…ReflectOne effective way to practice mindfulness, parenting or otherwise, is to first pause what you are doing and then reflect on what is happening. Quite often when our children are throwing a tantrum or misbehaving, it puts us in a state of alarm. We feel a need to bring the situation under control, often resulting in us losing our tempers and reacting. Instead when we take a moment to pause and observe the situation, we are holding space for ourselves, our thoughts, and for our children. When we reflect we are able to calmly resolve the situation and help our children regulate their feelings. Deep breathesDuring parenting, moments of overwhelming feelings are ample. Ever given notice of your breathing in these moments? If you give a close look at it you will notice your breathing getting heavy. Practicing breathing techniques such as ratio breathing or triangle breathing could help you distract yourself for a brief moment while you gather your thoughts. Self-compassionAs parents, we are quick to be judgmental of our inadequacies in parenting. It would be helpful to remind ourselves in those moments that no one is a perfect parent, we have our days of good and bad parenting moments. Practicing self-compassion is not easy if we constantly have a critical inner talk. These tools are of course easier said than done. Mindfulness may seem daunting and complicated to practice at first. However, incorporating these principles into your daily life may help you remain calm and kind to not just your children but also to your own self. Of course, mindfulness is not a foolproof parenting tool, especially in a situation of crisis. However, employing mindfulness jointly with other parenting strategies will help you coregulate with your child and increase your bond with them. Contributed by Saritha Kashyap, Practicing psychologistCarpediem EdPsych Consultancy LLPResourceshttps://psychcentral.com/health/mindful-parenting#definitionhttps://www.headspace.com/mindfulness/mindful-parentinghttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25633828/https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282390643_Mindful_Parenting_and_Parents'_Emotion_Expression_Effects_on_Adolescent_Risk_Behaviors


When we talk about the parent-child relationship the focus primarily remains on toddlers but adolescents are of an age group who struggle with establishing their identity. They also need support from parents to deal with the changes they are going through. No parent and adolescent make it through the 10 to 12 years of coming-of-age period without frequently going through times when they are unhappy with themselves and one another as youth continually transforms. Adolescence can be taxing for both parties as growing apart makes them more distant.Whenever we talk about the adolescent age group, the adjectives which adults use are “moody”, “irritable”, “choosy”, “stubborn”, “non-accommodating,” etc., but had we sat and discussed with them why they behave in a certain way?Globally, it is estimated that 1 in 7 (14%) 10-19 year-olds experience mental health conditions, yet these remain largely unrecognized and untreated. Adolescents with mental health conditions are particularly vulnerable to social exclusion, discrimination, stigma (affecting readiness to seek help), educational difficulties, risk-taking behaviours, physical ill-health, and human rights violations. The data states that children of this age group are more vulnerable and can easily get influenced by distractions around them. They are constantly struggling to “fit in” in the peer group and competition to prove themselves. The shift from childhood to teenage is not easy for parents as well as the youngsters. It's very important that parents understand the challenges of the youngsters. To make the journey smooth with the children, parents can remember and practice to be a PLANNER with the following :Be patientBe a listener Acknowledge their challenges  Become approachable Being non-judgmentalAlways empathize Being respectfulSome of the benefits parents might observe in their children after practicing PLANNER are:Encourages the growth of the child's mind, language, and emotions.Encourages the child to display upbeat and self-assured social behaviors'Better social and intellectual abilities are built on healthy parental participation and intervention in the child's daily life.A strong relationship influences healthy social, emotional, cognitive, and motivational growth. When kids have a good relationship with their parents, they develop great problem-solving abilities.Contributed by Dr. Archana SharmaDr. Archana Sharma, Founding partner & practicing psychologistCarpediem EdPsych Consultancy


“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform” – Diane Mariechild. It’s that time of the year again when women are celebrated worldwide but sadly the show lasts only for a day. What the world overlooks is that women need to be celebrated every day for not only who she is but also for everything that she does, but they never get noticed for it.For ages women have either been neglected or completely ignored by society, expecting them to act and behave in a particular way. When women did not meet the societal standard they were termed as ‘loud’, ‘ill-mannered’ and ‘uncultured’ but is that all there is to being a woman? Determining things just by the way she talks and presents herself? A woman is a reason for the emergence of life. She nurtures, cares and protects her ménage which in itself is a great responsibility, along with managing her household. Sometimes she also chooses to work outside contributing to the family’s finances. Yet, with all these qualities and contributions women are still considered weak, incapable and fragile. In most societies, women are expected to make all the sacrifices and adjustments without even being asked for their opinion. Discrimination against women is still high be it in the workplace, society or even in their own homes. So how does this justify celebrating her on one special day in a year? Praising her achievements on a particular day, pampering her with gifts and charms, and accommodating her just for a day aren’t enough. Focus on her mental well-being, ask her if she is happy with the life she is living. If not, what can you do to change it? Lend a helping hand whenever she needs it and not just when you feel like it. Research says most women lack nutrition that’s necessary for a healthy body. They tend to lose more lean muscle mass over time due to age and childbearing. Women are also at a higher risk of anemia, osteoporosis and other nutritional deficiencies. Ensure that she never skips a meal as this will help maintain her energy level throughout the day. With so much happening around them, most women do not have the luxury of spending some alone time. Stress and anxiety also drain her energy, hence accommodating her to make time for herself by exercising, listening to music or even talking to friends, this could be a blessing to her. Most of all they only need your understanding, a little support, wide respect and the recognition they deserve.Women! They are strong and hardworking, they look out for you, inspire and empower you. They are the ones who make sure that your life is running smoothly and steadily without any glitches. Hence, it is only fair that you celebrate them not just on one day but every single day, throughout their lifetime and throughout yours.Contributed by Clarin Simon BrownMental Health Practitioner, Carpediem EdPsych Consultancy LLP


It’s 2023, and a month has gone by already with many resolutions being broken, some barely making it to reality and some more just being a mere idea and nothing else. As February steps in no one needs a reminder of what the month signifies. Everyone talks about roses, chocolates, romantic dates, crushes and finding a partner to celebrate the special day with but when do we realize that more than all of that one needs to enjoy his own company, go on dates by themselves and most importantly love oneself first.Jean-Jacques Rousseau talks about ‘Amour de soi’ a concept in his philosophy that translates to Self-love i.e one's feelings for himself, without any care or concerns about how he is perceived by others. As humans it is quite natural to seek love from others but are we really ready to accept another human into our lives when we have failed to make efforts to understand and accept ourselves first, to completely let go of inhibitions and embrace our faults and flaws?. We want to be loved, accepted, understood and cared for by others but completely fail to do that with ourselves. Although the concept of self-love is becoming more relevant since the past few years, there is a large group of people who still do not know how to love themselves. It takes small steps, few minor changes and a large accepting heart to embrace ourselves the way we are. Let us start by doing things that makes us happy, stop worrying about others opinions of us or our choices, allowing ourselves to make mistakes, letting go of our stupid errors and  stale past, not setting up high standards for ourselves by comparing with others, accepting our body, skin tone and being comfortable the way we are, putting ourselves first in every situation, enjoying the pain and joy and the process that got us there and finally by not being afraid to let go of toxic people and relationships, no matter how close they are.Thus, we always need to remember that we are our first friend, trusting ourselves to make the choice that suits us the best and to always be kind to ourselves. Don’t wait for others to pat your back, to see how good you are and what you are capable of! Instead go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back, celebrate when you achieve a new height, take yourself on a fancy date, go on that solo trip you’ve been desiring to go for years and mostly stop thinking about what will “THEY” say? Only then will we be able to accept us with all our shortcomings and still love ourselves to the fullest because as Rupi Kaur says “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you”.Contributed by Clarin Simon BrownMental Health Practitioner, Carpediem EdPsych Consultancy LLP


If everyone is  moving forward together then success takes care itself - Henry FordCollaborative Mental Health Care models are fast becoming the need of the hour. Kates, N. et. al. (2011) in their study of the Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care (CMHC) systems state that CMHC encompasses a range of team-based interventions promoting greater mutual support between providers from different specialities, disciplines and sectors and more coordinated, complementary services to clients which come in with varied mental health concerns.To provide the most comprehensive and coordinated care possible, it is critical for all mental health services to be well linked to and collaboratively involved in multidisciplinary networks. Therapists, therapeutic caseworkers, counsellors, physicians, educators and other mental health professionals are better able to address people's needs and ensure therapeutic success toward defined recovery outcomes as they exchange perspectives and responsibilities. Collaboration can involve better communication, closer personal contacts, sharing of care time, joint educational or remedial programs and/or joint planning. Co-optation v/s Collaborative Approach It is recommended that parents, clinicians, and educators each have a unique and relevant viewpoint on the aims of the child's treatment and various psychosocial strategies for dealing with the child while determining the parameters of the supportive partnership. This means that keeping all viewpoints is beneficial. That also means that if one partner ceded her interests and accepted those of another—for example, if the teacher adopted the parent's goals or the parent adopted the therapist's—the partnership would experience some damage. This is referred to as co-optation. Here are some instances where co-optation might happen in a collaborative mental health care team : (a) Parent and the Pharmacotherapist The most prevalent method of co-optation happens when parents adopt a therapist's therapy advice, as a rule, relinquishing power over their children's treatment. Parents, for example, may follow a pharmacotherapist's recommendation for an effective medicine for their child despite what they see as a negative impact on the child's and family's well-being. The reverse may also happen, where a pharmacotherapist agrees to a parent's request for drug-based treatment of a particular series of symptoms, even though the pharmacotherapist believes the medicine is ineffective. (b) Teacher, Parent & the Therapist  Teachers being the next important figure also regard special education and general education as non-exclusive categories that can be mixed in various ways to better represent an individual's interests. They shape their views on a child's possible prospects of social and academic achievement in general based on their interactions with other children and first-hand awareness of classroom realities in a classroom for schooling. A child's academic location has a significant impact on the child's daily life, effectively changing both the challenges of psychotherapeutic / psychopharmacological care and the domain in which such treatments occur. Whereas a parent or teacher may see a child's therapy as influencing his academic performance.Building Synergy in Collaborative Mental Health Care Webster defines the word ‘Synergy’ as mutually advantageous conjunction or compatibility of distinct participants or elements (such as resources or efforts). The idea of collaboration amongst all allied professionals is to offer a more comprehensive and holistic service that is customized appropriately keeping in mind the client’s mental health concerns. The client, therefore, remains at the center of this entire process rather than the individual ideas of each of the allied professionals. Therefore Interventions will be considered as collaborative care if they fulfil these criteria: Criteria I: A multidisciplinary team  involving a primary care practitioner and at least one other allied professional (eg. school counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, special educator et.al.) Criteria II: A structured mental health plan (eg. use of a structured document like an Individualised Education Plan (IEP) or a counselling plan, evidence-based pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy) Criteria III: A systematic or scheduled approach for follow-up Criteria IV: Suitable and mutually decided process for regular communication between all the stakeholders including the parents (eg. team meetings, shared documents about the client's history/medical records, consultation, therapy progress, minutes of the meetings etc). Most importantly, remember that everyone's presence in the collaboration must be valued and as they say - if you want to be exponentially better, be collaborative, not co-adaptive. Carpediem would like to acknowledge the use of Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

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